Saturday, January 23, 2010

9 Days New! Newborn Photography - Baby K

What to do on a rainy day??? Stay indoors to take newborn pictures of this sweetie pie! He was so perfect, I hardly heard him cry! If I could have snuck him home in my camera bag I would have! LOL! All babies should be so perfect! Thank you C and M for sharing K with me for the day!


  1. oh goodness these are absolutely beautiful, that first shot is priceless and my personal fav, mom and dad will be over the moon with these!

  2. Oh my gosh! That first one is so stinkin' cute!! Wide eyed and bushy tailed!!

  3. Gorgeous baby and family! That first one is amazing!

  4. These are so sweet, every one of them. I especially love the first one. How you got him to pose like that while awake is beyond me! Beautiful!

  5. Aw, so precious! Lovely baby! I love the last one.
